This Divine book is all about an old 2004 Nokia mobile phone and the Divine Messages that it has been receiving everyday since 4th April, 2004 till date from Bhagavan Sriram Sir who is strongly believed and also emphatically proved as the human avatara of Hindu God, Ram.
These strange messages (SMSes) – that come in the form of many mysterious codes and characters which no mobile phone in the world supports – are fascinating Cosmic mysteries, no human on Earth can ever decode; and a God’s miracle, no Scientist can ever explain. What is most miraculous here is,
“There’s no active SIM card inside this mobile but till date it has received thousands of Divine Messages, in the past 20 years, that also on a few rare occasions included clear guidance messages like Ok, No, Go, Wait, Be Joyous, Safe, Trishul and Siva Namam among others.”
I am the blessed owner of this mobile and till date only myself and a few learned members of my WhatsApp groups, from across the world, have been benefiting from the guidance Bhagavan Sriram Sir has been offering us through these Messages.
With the sole intention of helping as many in the world as possible, with these Divine messages and the guidance they have been offering, I have decided to present a few powerful messages in the form of this book.
In all, I have selected 27 Divine Messages that offer you guidance whenever you need it the most; and invaluable advice whenever you want it desperately. I have presented all the supporting images in the book with every Divine message.
Who Is Bhagavan Sriram Sir..??
By all means of Divinity, Bhagavan Sriram Sir is a living God born on 11th May, 1957 in a village called Maldakal in the Telangana state. He is currently living in Hyderabad along with His family. There are many miracles and divine experiences that prove His Divinity in more ways than one.
To know every Divine aspect of Bhagavan Sriram Sir and also the many spellbinding miracles He performed in the lives of some of His most ardent devotees, please read my book ‘God Incognito : The Beginning’ currently available on Amazon. It’s a 500 – page book I wrote on the Divine Life, Philosophy, Teachings & Miracles of Bhagavan Sriram Sir.
Bhagavan Sriram Sir The Omnipotent : With His Divine powers, Sriram Sir cured incurable cases of cancer, paralysis and also granted vision to an engineer who lost it in a cylinder blast in ECIL, Hyderabad. The Cornea and the retina in both the eyes of the engineer were completely damaged, but he became fully normal with Bhagavan’s Divine grace.
Bhagavan Sriram Sir The Omnipresent : He was present at a time and date in the examination hall in Osmania University, as a student; and in a marriage hall 200 kms away, as a friend. While the Memo of marks proves He wrote the exam, the marriage photo proves He attended the marriage.
Bhagavan Sriram Sir The Omniscient : From Vedas to aerospace, Sriram Sir is an authority on every topic under the sky. Eminent professors of Chemistry could not answer His questions on the same subject in a seminar held at the Penn State university in the US. He later provided them answers explaining each and every element in the periodic table.
Bhagavan Sriram Sir The Omnibenevolent : He did His Master’s, MPhil & PhD in English. Although like His friends – who later became IAS officers after being trained by him – He too could have become an IAS officer, however He chose to remain an English lecturer all His life only to be available to His followers whenever they needed Him.
Since His birth on 11th May, 1957, a few days after Lord Hanuman appeared in the dream of a Telugu Sadhu and told him about Prabhu Ram’s birth again as Bhagavan Sriram Sir, Sriram Sir remained a secret avatara of Ram for decades.
Until I revealed to the world through my writings in 2016, Bhagavan Sriram Sir was known only to a few blessed people like Pawan Kalyan – the current deputy CM of Andhra – a few IAS officers and bureaucrats; and distinguished personalities like former Indian Prime Minister Sri Vajpayee, Presidents Sri K R Narayanan and Sri Sankar Dayal Sharma among others. Sri Vajpayee revered Sriram Sir as Bhagavan Sri Krishna all the later part of His life.
How To Seek Divine Guidance From This Sacred Book..??
Seek guidance from this book whenever you are not able to make any decision about any issue or any offer or any proposal; or whenever you are worried about something; or whenever you encounter any sudden or unforeseen problem; or whenever you have a question about anything or any person or any issue; or whenever you feel only God can save you.
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Stay blessed.
Narrenaditya Komaragiri