A Sacred Book That Offers You Guidance In Distress

This Divine book is all about an old 2004 Nokia mobile phone and the Divine Messages that it has been receiving everyday since 4th...

When Ram Told Parvati Why We Must Worship Only Siva

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi had narrated this beautiful story from the Siva Purana to his followers at his Tiruvannamalai Ashram on an auspicious day...

An Incredible Living God Who Knows You From Your First Birth

You may not be knowing Him but He knows you from the beginning of your first birth; sees you before you reach Him in...

Powerful Slokas That Healed A Musician’s Incurable Disease

"Realize this. God stands by our side not at the beginning of the problem but at the end of it waiting for the right...

Will God Ever Be Angry With Us Or Punish Us..??

For ages after ages and generations after generations, we humans are being constantly warned or are being strategically brainwashed that “God will punish you”...

When A Circus Elephant Entered The Madurai Meenakshi Temple

On a pleasant evening, Sometime during the 1960s... A circus company procession was going through the streets of the Temple town of Madurai in Tamilnadu.. As...

Karma Secret Behind The Suffering Of Dhritarashtra Revealed By Krishna

"No human on Earth can ever escape the effects of his Karma no matter in which life he performed them. I make sure he...

A Poor Devotee Of Buddha Who Lighted An Eternal Lamp

Long ago in the city of Kapilavastu, Where Gautama Buddha was born as Siddartha and where He had spent 29 years as Buddha -...

When Lord Sripada Srivallabha Saved RSS Founder Hedgewar’s Grandfather From Death

Who Is Lord Sripada Sri Vallabha..?? His Holiness Lord Sripada Sri Vallabha is the reincarnation of Lord Dattatreya and the first among the five complete...

Join Global Sri Venkateswara Maha Mantra Japam For Covid Free World

"Dedicate yourself to the Lord of Life Who is the cause of the Cosmos. He will remove the cause of all your suffering and...

Everything About Lord Venkateswara And Tirumala Temple

“Idam Kshetram.. Idam Sarvam.. Idam Lokam.. Idam Jagath.. Idam Sivam.. Idam Vishnum.. Idam Daivam.. Idam Deva Devaha.. Idam Lokesa Sarvasya.. Ida Meva Mama Brahmah.....

When Homeo Saved TTD Ramana Dikshitulu’s Son From Covid

"Changes that come to material substances, specially the medicinal, through the trituration of non-medicinal powder, agitation of non-medicinal fluid, are so incredible that may...

Indian Homeopath Creates History:Finds Cure For Corona Virus

Thank you for visiting my site.. However, as a law abiding citizen of India, I have removed this article paying my due respects to the...

Interesting Story Behind The Best Sloka In Ramayana

"Beauty may leave the moon, the Himalayas may become bereft of snow, the ocean may transgress its shores, but I will never violate the...

Sacred Sri Krishna Maha Mantra That Restores Peace And Happiness

"Having seen Thy mouths, fearful with tusks, blazing like Pralaya - fires, I known not the four quarters, nor do I find peace; have...

New Findings:Hindu Birth Stars And Their Most Compatible Life Partners-One

“Astrology is not a belief but a well defined science, Astrologers can be wrong but Astrology can never be" - Agni Purana Agni Purana is...

Our Close Encounter With Corona Virus And An Assurance Of Bhagawan Sriram Sir

Am Presenting This Entire True Story In four parts below, so, I request you to read every part carefully.. I understand your eagerness but I...

Registrations Open For Tirumalesa Matrimony-A Fully Secured Site Only For Hindus

"May all the divine Powers together with the Waters join our two hearts in one.. May the Messenger, the Creator, and Holy Obedience...

An Inspiring True Story Of A Female Medico Who Planned Suicide-Beginning

"A SUICIDE is equal to six virtual murders, because, by committing Suicide the victim is literally killing a Mother, a Father; a Spouse;...

Pibare Rama Rasam-Extraordinary True Story Of An Unknown Srirama Devotee-Two

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Now, please continue reading this part For A Moment.. The boy didn't utter a word.....

Pibare Rama Rasam-Extraordinary True Story Of An Unknown Srirama Devotee-One

Happiness is a healthy juice we must extract not from the flowers of luxury but from the fruits of life.. Music is the healthiest...

Pibare Rama Rasam-Extraordinary True Story Of An Unknown Srirama Devotee-Prologue

When Bhagawan Srirama Chandra Murthy asked Hanuman, "Who are you, a Man or a Monkey", Parama Bhaktha Hanuman bowed his head, folded His hands...

Invitation To Tirumalesa Matrimony Launch By His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamy

With The Divine Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Venkateswara The much awaited Tirumalesa Matrimony is being officially launched, on UGADI, the 6th of April, 2019,...

Stunning Features Of Tirumalesa Matrimony-India’s Most Secured Matrimony Site

"Now let us make a vow together. We shall share love, share the same food, share our strengths, share the same tastes. We shall...

This Never Before Heard Sri Govinda Mantra Gives Us Peace And Prosperity

"Our life is a package of both gifts and problems presented to us, with love, by the Supreme Cosmic Being called God, Who is...

When This Mysterious Miracle Occurred Inside The Tirumala Temple

”A prayer full of belief is an antidote to a pain full of sorrow”– Yours Obediently One Important Point This was the first story - which...

Invitation To Tirumalesa-Bhagawan Sriram Global Meet In Chennai

"Don't be worried about small or big obstacles.. Understand the nature of Mother and her love and become undeterred.. The Mother sometimes throws up...

When Lord Venkateswara Came To A Bangalore Devotee’s Home To Fulfill Her Wish

"Lokaantha rangam, laghukara mitram.. Lakshmee kalatram, lalitaabdha netram.. Sri Vishnu devam, sujanaika gamyam.. Sri Venkatesam sirasaa namami" To prove His presence in our lives, God,...

A Dark Night In Bombay,A Divine Mother And An Amazing Cosmic Drama-Conclusion

"He knows everyone and sees everything.. It is His glory that fills the Cosmos.. He resides in the city of the heart.. It is...

Amazing Conversation Between Lord Krishna And Bheeshma In Kurukshetra War

"Silence is connivance.. Connivance is betrayal.. Betrayal is sin.. Sin is a punishable offence" - Bhagawan Sri Krishna The above Golden quote, from Sri C...

A Dark Night In Bombay,A Divine Mother And An Amazing Cosmic Drama-Pre Conclusion

"Let us know that the highest great Lord of Lords, the highest Deity of Deities, the Master of Masters, His high power is revealed...

A Dark Night In Bombay,A Divine Mother And An Amazing Cosmic Drama-Part Four

"Paradoxically so, whom the God curses the most, gets everything in life in abundance; and whom the God loves the most, gets everything in...

A Dark Night In Bombay,A Divine Mother And An Amazing Cosmic Drama-Part Three

"The road to any great destination in our life is full of odds, thorns and hurdles. However, an intrepid traveler braves the thorns; faces...

Sensational Facts About Tirumala Sri Varu Jewelry Revealed By Wadhwa Committee

After the public outcry of Dr Ramana Deekshithulu, Who has been the head priest of holy Tirumala Temple for four long decades, about the large scale...

A Dark Night In Bombay, A Divine Mother And An Amazing Cosmic Drama-Part Two

"This scientifically harmonious solar system, the astronomically astonishing stellar system, the biologically perfect creatures living in water and on earth, this pargon of an...

A Dark Night In Bombay, A Divine Mother And An Amazing Cosmic Drama-Part One

"He who gives much is rich; not he who has much.. It is well to give when asked; but it is better to give...

Invitation To Tirumalesa Bhagawan Sriram Sir Global Meet In Banglore

Do not become anxious about your results.. The secret of peace is to give every anxious care to God.. Don’t be in a hurry...

Join Us:Tirumalesa Launching India’s Sacred Most Matrimonial Website

“I take your hand for well being so that together we may attain to old age in happiness.. The Sovereign Cosmic Principles; Enjoyment (Bhaga), Aspiration...

When An Image Of Lord Venkateswara From God On Call Book Appeared Before A...

Right from the day, I have announced the launch of God On Call Book, I have been telling the whole world that this most powerful...

When A Child Mystic Revealed A Divine Secret Of Bhagawan Sriram Sir

Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart and that depends upon how much he has polished it.. Whoever has polished it more,...

Heart Breaking Conversation Between Lord Venkateswara And A Devotee-Conclusion

DISCLAIMER : This is not a true story but a modern day story that's loosely based on a real life incident that occurred on the...

Heart Breaking Conversation Between Lord Venkateswara And A Devotee-Six

"Of all creations I am the beginning and the end and also the middle, O Arjuna. Of all sciences I am the spiritual science...

Launching A Grand 9 Temples And 9 Variations Video On Sri Venkateswara Maha Mantra

Right from the day, It was launched on a Vijaya Dasami, On the 3rd of October, 2014, My website tirumalesa.com Has been thankfully transforming hundreds of thousands of...

A French Film DVD And A Spellbinding Miracle Of Bhagawan Sriram Sir

Lazily relaxing In a sofa in my sweet home.. In Hyderabad.. And sipping a piping hot post breakfast Tea.. At about 11.20 a.m.. On Sunday.. The 1st of October,...

Venkateswara Maha Mantra And The Touching Story Of A Chennai Cancer Survivor

Three and half years ago, If someone had told me, "Mantras do miracles", I wouldn't have believed at all.. Well.. That doesn't mean am an atheist.. All that am trying...

Heart Breaking Conversation Between Lord Venkateswara And A Devotee-Five

DISCLAIMER : This is not a true story but a modern day story that's loosely based on a real life incident that occurred on the...

An Incident On Tirumala Hills That Earned M.S. Subbulakshmi The Bharat Ratna

"God many a time expresses Himself in many inexplicable forms and exposes His presence in many mysterious ways.. Everything in this world is part...

Here’s The Powerful Sri Venkateswara Maha Mantra For Eternal Peace And Prosperity

"Yathaa deve tathaa mantre.. Yathaa mantre tathaa gurau.. Yathaa gurau tathaa svaatmanyevam.. Bhakthi kramaa priye" - Lord Siva to Goddess Parvati in Tantraraj Tantra,...

Heart Breaking Conversation Between Lord Venkateswara And A Devotee-Four

A lonely person loves the most; a broken heart gives the most; a hurt friend feels the most; a sad family smiles the most;...

When The Idol Of Lord Venkateswara In Maldakal Temple Spoke About Sriram Sir

"Man's free will seems to be crippled.. The endless debate about Free Will continues.. No final crystallized conclusion has been arrived at.. Whenever I...

Heart Breaking Conversation Between Lord Venkateswara And A Devotee In Depression-3

"Where are you going O' pilgrim.. Into which direction and to which destination.. In such darkness filled night.. Travelling all alone.. In this sea...

Incredible Experiences Of Readers Who Performed Sri Venkateswara Maha Mantra Puja

"Everything in our life happens for a reason; every incident in this world occurs for a cause; and every problem enters our house for...

Heart Breaking Conversation Between Lord Venkateswara And A Devotee In Depression-2

Please Click Here to read the first part of this heart breaking story But Who Is Chandra Narayan..???.. What is his story...???.. And.. Why is he planning to...

Heart Breaking Conversation Between Lord Venkateswara And A Devotee In Depression

"Jealousy O' Jealousy.. You are the weirdest and the most powerful evil element of Nature.. You are sharper than a knife, bloodier than brutality,...

Great News:Launching God On Call Book In Telugu,Tamil,Kannada And Hindi Languages

“Krithethu Naarasimha Bhoo.. Trethaayaam Raghu Nandanaha.. Dwaapare Vaasu Devascha.. Kalau Venkata Nayakaha” Firstly, let me humbly offer my sincere thanks to all my beloved readers,...

Five Powerful Slokas That Make The Dumb Speak And The Less Intelligent Learn

Today, Even the hardcore Scientists of the Western World are unconditionally accepting that there are many tremendous miraculous powers in several of the ancient sacred...

Amazing Divine Qualities And Benefits Of Gayatri Mantra Every Chanter Should Know

For the last several months I have been receiving many mails from many readers all over the world asking me what exactly is Gayatri...

How To Begin And End Your Day With Lord Venkateswara

Whatever am thus far sharing with you all, through my writing, are simple lessons that I have learnt from my beloved parents, through their...

A Tearful Story Of A Cute Bengali Daughter Who Needs All Our Prayers

"O' health, health.. The blessing of the rich.. The riches of the poor.. Who can buy thee at too dear a rate, since there...

Mind Blowing Divine Experiences Of Bhagavan Sriram Sir’s Learned Followers

A miracle is a spontaneous concretised expression of God's love to the one who psychically needs it, karmically deserves it and to whom it...

SHOCKING MIRACLE:When God In Human Form Sriram Sir Granted Vision To A Man Who...

"Good health is a great crown worn by those healthy and visible only to those unhealthy.. If death conquers our life, ill health cripples...

An Extraordinary Divine Journey Of An Ordinary Osmania University Student

If only he had chosen to write that Civil Services mains exam in 1984, instead of choosing to watch a Telugu movie in Hyderabad's...

Another Chance For US Readers To Attend Sriram Sir’s Meeting At The Harvard University

Discovery of the laws of life from our own book of life is what spirituality is all about - Sriram Sir But Who Is Sriram Sir.. ??? If...

Buy Now:God On Call-A Sensational Book On Lord Venkateswara With 12 Incredible Stories

With Twelve Spellbinding Stories Based on real life miraculous incidents that occurred in the lives of some ordinary people and some eminent personalities like...

God On Call Powerful Book On Lord Venakteswara With 12 Incredible Miraculous Incidents

Ever since I announced the launch of God On Call book - on the Divine Glory of Bhagwan Sri Venkateswara - about a year...

Invitation To God On Call Book Launch By Divine Sriram Sir In Hyderabad

"As long as the Sun rises in the East, the holy Tirumala temple shall exist; and as long as the holy Tirumala temple shall...

Hindu Dharma Sastras Say These Six Errors Land You In Trouble

We are all human beings.. We commit many errors.. However, that doesn't mean we go on committing errors whenever we want to and at...

A Divine Coincidence That Occurred When God In Human Form Sriram Sir Visited Our...

"A divine coincidence is an effort on the part of God to prevent Himself from getting misunderstood by His lesser wise and ignorant devotees”...

This Spell Binding Miracle By Sriram Sir Confirms He’s God In Human Form

It Was About 8 P.M In the meeting hall.. On that historic day of 24th December, 2016.. Which was also unplannedly so.. An Ekadasi day,the most auspicious day...

When The Divine Sriram Sir Helped Me Through A Ruthless Cosmic Drama-Conclusion

"Our occasional re-lapse into misfortune should not be mistaken as the ultimate collapse into immeasurable misery.. Delays are not denials but are metaphysical tools...

The Key To Happiness-An Amazing Article Written By The Divine Sriram Sir

"The key to happiness is to recognise that we already have everything we need to be happy" - Sriram Sir, Earth's Most Miraculous Living...

When The Divine Sriram Sir Helped Me Through A Ruthless Cosmic Drama

Ashlishya va pada-ratam pinashtu mam.. Adarshanan marma-hatam karotu va.. Yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato.. Mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah- Sri Sikastakam by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu I...

An Amazing Divine Incident In The Life Of Dr.Mangalampalli Balamurali Krishna

"Maruvanu aahaarambunu.. Maruvanu samsara sukhamu.. Maruvanu mikkili aasalu.. Madhava nee maya.. Maricheda sugnanambunu.. Maricheda tatva rahasyamu.. Madhava nee maya"..  If M.S.Subbulakshmi is the queen of...

Special Invitation To The Incredibly Divine Sriram Sir’s Meeting In Hyderabad

Registartion For This Meeting Is Closed Due To An Overwhelming Response From Readers I always find letters in English dictionary inadequate and numbers in calculator...

Amazing Divine Coincidences At The Miracle Man Sriram Sir’s Harvard University Meeting

Though unbelievable it may appear, God does miracles not to demonstrate His strength but to prevent us from running away from Him - Sriram Sir...

These Five Incredible Suggestions From Miracle Man Sriram Sir Changed My Life

What metaphysical masters taught me through their works all these years, is not more than what I have learnt from a detached dew drop...

MYSTERY:Why Did Police Open Firing In Front Of The Tirumala Temple That Day-Conclusion

Please Click Here to read the previous part of this story A Few Months Before that fierce battle took place inside the Tirumala Temple, the office...

MYSTERY : Why Did Police Open Firing In Front Of The Tirumala Temple That...

It Was About 10.30 A.M  On the Tirumala Hills that day.. It was the ninth day (last day as well as the auspicious day of...

Divine Coincidences:Why Did That U P Leader Die Exactly At That Spot-Conclusion

Pleas Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Now please continue reading this part.. For About Two Days After that darkness filled night...

Divine Coincidences : Why Did P V Sindhu Write So On That Visiting Card

"Every painting, however beautiful that it might be, remains unnoticed when in darkness.. But the same painting becomes a much talked about masterpiece when...

Divine Coincidences:Why Did That U P Leader Die Exactly At That Spot-Part Two

Please Click Here to read the previous part of this story.. Now please continue reading this part.. Looking sharply At the servant of Pratap Singh, who...

Divine Coincidences:Why Did That U P Leader Die Exactly At That Spot

"For every bad Karma you perform in your life there's an equally bad punishment awaiting you in the Cosmos and for every good Karma,...

Stunning Analysis Of A Muthuswami Dikshithar Kriti By Maha Periyava

Sometime during the year 1961.. Kanchi Paramacharya were camping at Devakottai in Tamil Nadu and were observing mauna vratham.. Not all his disciples were, however,...

Baffling Story Of The Only Kali Temple Where Mother Goddess Is Alive In Her...

According To Smarta Tradition, Lord Siva is one of the five primary forms of the Hindu God, (Siva, Vishnu, Sakthi, Surya, and Ganesa in the panchayatana...

You Can Attend The Incredible Sriram Sir’s Workshop At Harvard University Campus, USA

The universe has been consciously and carefully crafted by the creator with an eye not only on supreme perfection but also on aesthetics.. Conceived...

SHOCKING:Indian Government Committing A Dangerous Sin Against Lord Venkateswara

"Either out of ignorance or arrogance; out of negligence or compulsion, whatever the reason, the Indian government today is committing the gravest and the...

Amazing Secrets Of Tirumala Temple Revealed By Head Priest Ramana Deekshithulu

You and me dream for years about going on a pilgrimage to Tirumala Tirupati Temple; plan for months before we embark on the visit;...

Eight Exciting Updates From Tirumalesa Site That May Give You A New Life

Google says, "Content is always the king".. If that is true, then I would say, "a powerful content website is a more powerful king that will...

Divine Coincidences:Why Did That Train Stop Twice At The Same Place-Conclusion

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Now please continue reading this part.. For a few seconds, There was a deadly and...

Divine Coincidences:Why Did That Train Stop Twice At The Same Place-Part Two

"A coincidence is a pat on our back by God saying that am with you" - Sriram Sir Please Click Here to read the first...

Divine Coincidences : Why Did That Train Stop Twice At The Same Place

"The Script of God is much more perfect than all the human writing in this world and much more impeccable than all the scientific...

Three Amazing Spiritual Formulas (Prayers) For Peace, Prosperity And Courage

"Did you see any child reminding her Mother her duties towards her child.. Did you see any boy reminding his Father his responsibilities towards...

The Deadly Dacoit Who Wrote Hindu Religion’s Greatest Epic The Ramayan

"Unless sharpened, an uncut Diamond will not gain it's beauty; unless triggered, a bullet will not attain it's power; unless hit hard on the...

A Thought Provoking Powerful Story That Will Tell You Who A True Devotee Is

There are many types of devotees in this world who adopt many different methods to show their devotion towards God.. Quite surprisingly, most of these...

The Only Film Song Ever Pictured In Front Of Lord Venkateswara In Tirumala Temple

I am never so happy writing an article or story as am today ever since I have started writing on the Lord Of Seven...

One Dark Night When Superstar Rajinikanth Rescued A Couple On Tirumala Hills

Many devotees of Lord Venkateswara must be experiencing many amazing miracles while on their visit to the Tirumala Temple.. Every such miracle is an...

Nine Interesting Facts About Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatam

As you all may know, The day on sacred Tirumala hills begins with the Suprabhatha seva, wherein all the Vedic scholars, all the Brahmins, Archakas, Purohiths...

When Kanchi Paramacharya Gifted Goddess Tripura Sundari’s Saree To A Child

"Chandrasekhara mindhu manjula susmitholla sadaa nanam.. Kamakoti supeeta mandana maasritaamara bhooruham" On an auspicious day.. Some time during the 1970s.. The Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, Jagadguru,...

Interesting Relationship Between Venkateswara Suprabhatam And Valmiki Ramayan

The term Suprabhatham is from the Sanskrit language that literally means the 'Auspicious Dawn' and belongs to the Suprabhatha Kaavya genre.. It is a...

Touching Story Of A Poor Iyer Brahmin Rescued By Kanchi Paramacharya

During those days of Divine glory, When His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal - also known as the Apara Siva, the walking God, the...

Still A Mystery : Who Saved My Daughter’s Life That Day

"God entered my life long ago; only I didn't notice" While writing the incredible true story of the miracle man, Sriram Sir, I did a...

A Powerful New Pooja To Lord Venkateswara That May Change Your Life

Beloved Reader, About a year and half ago, a 27 - year old Bengali lady Prothima Chowdhary called me and for almost an hour narrated me...

When Hindu Lord Hanuman Threatened Iconoclastic Muslim Ruler Aurangazeb

"Om asaadhyam saadhaka Swamin.. Asaadhyam tam kiva Prabho’.. Raama dootha mahaa praggnya mama kaaryam saadhayaa” – Most powerful manthra that immensely pleases Lord Hanuman Holy Hindu...

An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow –...

“Mother is the centre of child’s universe.. Child is the circumference of Mother’s universe.. Both of them together make a circle of human life.."...

An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow–Conclusion Three

“Pre determinism is not a stumbling block but a stepping stone to our joyous living.. Thank God, there is pre-determinism” – Sriram Sir Please Click...

An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow –...

"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen" - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Leader of the American...

An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow –...

"Am not anything that you are not.. Don't ask me to help you, when the divine design does not enable me to do so.....

Unforgettable Experience Of A Monkey With Bhagwan Sri Ramana Maharshi

As most of you may already be knowing or may have heard in your spiritual life, Sri Ramani Maharshi is swayam Bhagwan who had...

An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow –...

"Nothing has ever happened which has not been predestined and nothing will ever occur.." - Marcus Tullius Cicero, a great Roman philosopher.. Please Click Here...

An Incredible True Story Of A Miracle Man Who Is Seeing Your Tomorrow –...

"A bird sitting on the branches of a tree, unconcerned with anything, is far superior to those who strive to be Buddhas" With a medium...

That Eventful Day In Kanchi When I Came To Know About Paramacharya

I don't know how far there's truth in Thomas Campbell's quote, "coming events cast their shadows before them", however, there's certainly some truth in...

SURPRISING:Tirumala Temple Doesn’t Have Tailor To Stitch Clothes For Srivaru’s Treasury

While some news are surprising to read, some are shocking to accept and some are both shocking as well as surprising.. Here's one such news...

An Amazing Astrological Incident From The Great Life Of A Renowned Maha Yogi

Astrology doesn’t fail but the astrologers fail.. According to the purists of this age old branch of Indian spirituality,”Astrology is a perfect science,which if studied...

Launching GOD ON CALL : A World Changing Book On The Miracles Of Lord...

"If the effulgence of a thousand Suns arose at once in the firmament; it would be somewhat like the brilliance of this great Atman" The...

Do You Know What A Great Devotee Did When Lord Venkateswara Came To Rescue...

I know you are a great devotee of God.. I know you offer many prayers to God to please Him.. I know you take active part...

Four Vital States Of Devotion Revealed By Sri Adi Sankaracharya : Check Yours

Everyone of us want to be a great devotee in our life but how many of us know about the four vital states of...

My Amazing Experience In Tirumala Temple That Created This Tirumalesa Site – Epilogue

 Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..And now continue reading this part.. Sa chaturmukha shanmukha panchamukha pramukhaakhila daivatha moulimane...Saranaagatha vatsala saaranidhe...

My Amazing Experience In Tirumala Temple That Created This Tirumalesa Site-Conclusion

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story "Krithethu naarasimha bhoo..Trethaayaam raghunandanaha..Dwaapare vaasudevascha.. Kalau venkata nayakaha" "You were born as Sri Lakshmi Narasimha...

My Amazing Experience In Tirumala Temple That Made Me Create This Tirumalesa Site-Four

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. "He is the charioteer and you are His chariot: He...

My Amazing Experience In Tirumala Temple That Made Me Create This Tirumalesa Site-Three

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story "People talk and dogs bark but the Caravan passes and passes majestically through the...

My Amazing Experience In Tirumala Temple That Made Me Create This Tirumalesa Site-Two

Please Click Here to read the first part of this story What exactly happened on the Tirumala hills that Friday night On the 16th of March,...

My Amazing Experience In Tirumala Temple That Made Me Create This Tirumalesa Site

"Those who cannot reach the heights of a tree blame it's fruits and hurl stones at them.. It is Nature.. However, the tree just...

Shocking True Story Of Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayatri-Phala Sruthi

Please Click Here to read the Epilogue to this story Namaste satate jagat kaaranaaya...Namaste chite sarva lokaashrayaaya...Namo dvaita tattwaaya mukti pradaaya....Namo brahmane vyaapine shaashvataaya... Salutations to...

A Daily Recitation Of This Divine Sthothra Will Rain Money In Your House

MONEY Although a small five lettered word, is perhaps the most powerful word ever invented in the history of English dictionary. Money is also a magical...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri – Epilogue

Please Click Here to read the Conclusion of this story Beloved readers.. Never in my dreams I thought nor would you have thought that we will...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayatri-Conclusion

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. How will your heart or my heart or for that matter...

Ten Amazing Facts About Lord Venkateswara And Tirumala Temple Every Devotee Must Know

Sri Bhoomi nayaka dayadi gunamrutapte... Devadideva jagadeka saranya moortey..  Sriman anantha garudadhi bhirarchitange...  Sri Venkatachala pate tava suprabhatam -  While Lord Sri Venkateswara, also known...

Shocking True Story Of Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Thirty Nine

Sarvaroope sarvese sarvasakthi samanvithe...Bhayebhyastrahi no devi durge devi namosthuthe Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Now please continue reading this part.. After that...
Holy Goddess Adi Parasakthi

Shocking True Story Of Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Thirty Eight

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Now please continue reading this part.. "Later I did all the calculations and said that it...
Sri Lalitha Parameswari

Shocking True Story Of Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Thirty Seven

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. Finally,the 17th of February,2005 The much awaited date for PVRK Prasad's proposed...

Shocking True Story Of Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Thirty Six

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this life changing story..Now please continue reading this part.. After giving assurance to the mystic Brahmin Subbarao That he...

Stunning H D Images Of Lord Sri Venkateswara From Tirumala Brahmotsavams,2015

After successfully completing it’s 2015 edition,the annual Tirumala Brahmotsavams – that began on the holy Tirumala hills on Wednesday the 16th of September,2015 –...

Shocking True Story Of Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Thirty Five

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. The Vedic scholar extraordinary,Yanamandra Venugopala Sastry After showering praises on the mystic...

True Story Behind The Tirumala Temple And Commencement Of Brahmotsavams

Sri Seshasaila Garudachala Venkatadri Narayanadri Vrishabhadri Vrishadri mukhyam Aakhyam tvadiya vasateranisham vadanti Sri Venkatachalapathe tava suprabhatam It is still not clearly known to the human...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Thirty Four

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. “..Subhagaathri giriraaja puthree…Abhinethri sarwaardha gaathree…Sarvaardha sandhaathri jagadeka janayithri…Chandraprabhaa dhavala keerthee…Chathurbhaahu samrakshitha...

Krishnashtami Special : Amazing Prank Bhagwan Played In The Life Of Meera And Rohan

"Jagath Prabhum Deva Devam..Anantham Purushottamam..Sthuvannaama Sahasrena Purushath Satha Doththithahaa.." A very happy and colorful Krishnashtami and Janmashtami greetings to all my beloved readers living all...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Thirty Three

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. “Yanamandra Venugopala Sastry”  Was the great Vedic scholar whose name Goddess Gayathri...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayathri-Part Thirty Two

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. After that memorable meeting.. With the legendary Sri Madhura Krishna Murthy Sastry...

An Open Invitation To All For A Holy Visit To The Sacred Tirumala Temple

It is every devotee's desire to visit the holy Tirumala Temple,at least once in a year,with his family and friends and eyefully have the...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayathri-Part Thirty One

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. After that… Emotional and a slightly miraculous meeting with his most beloved...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Thirty

Please Click Here to read the previous part of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. As you all may be remembering.. The mystic Brahmin,Nemani Subbarao sat in...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Nine

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. “..God dances with those who sing; smiles with those who are...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Eight

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. On that darkness filled night in Naimisaranyam After Goddess Gayathri had told...

வேத மாதா காயத்ரி தேவியுடன் பேசும் பிராமண யோகி – பகுதி 2

அறிமுகம் மற்றும் முதற் பாகம் ஆகியன பார்க்க... மகள் அபர்ணாவின் விவாஹம் காயத்ரி வர ப்ரசாத்துடன் நன்கு ஆயிற்று.  நம் சுப்பாராவ் அவர்களுக்கு  காயத்ரி மந்திர உச்சாடனத்திற்கு மேலும் சிறிது நேரம் கிடைத்தது. வாய்ப்பை...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Seven

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. I know all my beloved readers had an amazing experience reading...

வேத மாதா காயத்ரி தேவியுடன் பேசும் ப்ராமண யோகி – பகுதி 1

இந்நிகழ்வுகளின் அறிமுகம் இங்கே தரப்பட்டுள்ளது. பகுதி 1 பலவித இன்னல்களுக்கிடையே திரு. சுப்பாராவின் வாழ்க்கை சென்று கொண்டிருந்த போதிலும், அவர் தன் மனதில் ரகசியமான ஒரு ஆசையைதன் மனைவி வேங்கடலக்ஷ்மிக்குக் கூடத் தெரியாமல் அடை காத்து வைத்திருந்தார்....

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Six

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. In the very beginning of this part of the story.. Let me once...

வேத மாதா காயத்ரி தேவியுடன் பேசும் ப்ராமண யோகி – அறிமுகம்

வக்ர துண்ட மஹா காய....சூர்ய கோடி ஸமப்ரப...நிர் விக்நம் குரு மே தேவ...ஸர்வ கார்யேஷு ஸர்வதா!.. “ஸார், நமஸ்காரம். என் பெயர் நேமனி சுப்பாராவ். விசாகப்பட்டினத்தில் ஒரு ட்யூஷன் மாஸ்டராக இருக்கிறேன்.  தங்களை வந்து...

Shocking Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Five

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. “..Gods are all united…It’s only we – the mindless inhumans –...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Four

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. After remembering that amazing incident – that occurred a few years ago...

Unbelievable Developments In The Miracle Story Of Meera And Lord Krishna

Please Click Here to read the Meera story first if you haven't already read it..Now continue reading this part.. It has been a longtime since...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Three

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. During those dark hours of early morning in Naimisaranyam.. Carefully throwing the light from...

Why Is Green Camphor Applied To Lord Venkateswara’s Chin In Tirumala Temple Everyday

Holy Lord Sri Venkateswara,the principal deity or the moola virat of the world's richest Hindu Temple  -the Tirumala Tirupathi Temple - located on the...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayatri-Part Twenty Two

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. On that darkness filled night in the dense forests of Naimisaranyam.. All...

తిరుమలలో శ్రీవారి గడ్డం కింద పచ్చకర్పూరం ఎందుకు పెడతారు దాని మహత్యం ఏమిటి

తిరుమల శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వర స్వామి వారి ఆలయంలోని మూలవిరాట్టు గడ్డం కింద నిత్యం పచ్చ కర్పూరంతో అలంకరిస్తారు. దీనివెనుక ఉన్న వృత్తాంతం ఏమిటో మీకు తెలుసా?? అయితే ఈ కథనం చదవండి.. స్వామి అలంకరణ కోసం పుష్పనందన...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri–Part Twenty...

 Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..And now please continue reading this part.. After boarding the Gorakhpur Express train at the Secunderabad railway...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Twenty

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story On that eventful day.. After the divine Goddess Gayathri asked the mystic Brahmin Nemani Subbarao to go...

Vital Info On Sandhyavandanam Classes In Hyderabad By Mystic Brahmin Sri Subbarao

Here's the most important information you all are eagerly waiting to know about the Sandhyavandanam classes the mystic Brahmin Sri Nemani Subbarao is proposing...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayatri-Part Ninteen

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Although man was born free,he however doesn’t hold the free will to lead the life the...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayatri-Part Eighteen

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Before going to read the further part of this life changing story,it is important for each...

Do You Know In Which Vessel Is NAIVEDYAM Offered To Lord Venkateswara In Tirumala...

This is an incident of the times much before than ours...Those were the very pious ages when we would hear the Supreme Lord,Sri Venkateshwara,speak...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Godess Gayathri-Part Seventeen

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story On an auspicious day Sometime during 1977-78,in the august presence of His Holiness,the Paramacharya of Kanchi Kama...

పవిత్ర తిరుమల దేవాలయం లో శ్రీవారికి మొదటి నైవేద్యం ఏ పాత్ర లోనో మీకు తెలుసా

ఇది వరకు తిరుమలలో “తొండమాన్ చక్రవర్తి” స్వామి వారికి రోజూ బంగారు తులసి దళాలు సమర్పించేవాడట. అప్పట్లో స్వామి వారు భక్తులతో మాట్లాడుతూ ఉండేవారు కూడా. ఈ తొండమాన్ చక్రవర్తి రోజూ స్వామి...

When A Lady On Phone Left Me In Tears With Her Miraculous Experiences

"..Vasudeva Sutam Devam.. Kamsa Chanura Mardhanam.. Devaki Paramaanandham.. Krishnam Vande Jagath Gurum.." GOD expresses Himself in many mysterious ways and exposes His presence through many...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Sixteen

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of the story After successfully completing his forty days Of a wonderful stay in the temple town of Basara,in April...

Miraculous Twist To The Story Of Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story :..Just like there’s duality in the Nature of His creation,there’s a conflict in the Nature of...

If Only Rajiv Gandhi Had Honored This Telegram Warning From Kanchi Paramacharya

On a midnight some time during the month of March, 1991.. A telegram delivery boy hurriedly walked into former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi’s secretariat...

Open Invitation For A Visit To Basara Temple With Mystic Brahmin Sri Subbarao

Beloved Friends, With such an overwhelming response to this invitation,am sorry,am forced to withdraw this invitation.. Honestly,am surprised with the way readers from all over the...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Fifteen

 Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now,please continue reading this part.. The Palanquin slowly reached Subbarao and after going slightly ahead of him,halted...

MYSTERY : Why Did One Door Lock Of Tirumala Temple Refuse To Open That...

In the early hours of Wednesday the 18th of February, 2015.. A sannidhi golla (the cowherd of Temple),the Jeeyangar, the Archakas (the temple priests) the...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Fourteen

   Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. “..దుర్లభం త్రయామేవై తద్దేవానుగ్రహ హేతుకమ్..మనుష్యత్వం ముముక్షుత్వం మహా పురుష సంశ్రయః..” “..Durlabham trayamevai tadh  devanugraha...

An Amazing Vedic Rendition On Lord Siva With Incredible Healing Powers

Music, as we all know, has tremendous healing powers, more so if there’s a need to deal with the problems of the human mind.....

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Thirteen

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. After he lost an opportunity to view the sacred Kanch Peetham,the mystic...

When Lord Venkateswara Saved The Life Of A Cancer Patient From London

This amazingly incredible incident was narrated by Dr. A. V. Ramana Deekshitulu, the head priest of holy Tirumala Temple, in an interview he had...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Twelve

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. Continuing his conversation further.. This is what the Rithvik Brahmin Dattatreya Sarma,from the...

Think Carefully Before Promising To Offer Something To Lord Venkateswara

During the most difficult times of our life, Or during the most helpless times of ill health, we offer many prayers to our Lord Sri...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Eleven

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part Like a mother explains her beloved son.. Why she’s so harsh with him...

Fascinating True Story of A Lata Mangeshkar Song Born In A Los Angeles Music...

I have written this story, that is based entirely on my imagination, with the sole intention of giving some fascinating moments to the fans...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Ten

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. For a few moments,the mystic Brahmin Nemani Subbarao kept staring at those...

తిరుమల శ్రీవారి ఆలయంలో ఓ కొత్త ఆర్జిత సేవకు కారకుడైన ఒక గొప్ప ముస్లిం భక్తుడు

అది 1982 ప్రాంతం.. ఉదయం 11 - 11. 30 గంటల మధ్య సమయం.. పవిత్ర తిరుమల కొండల మీద అప్పుడే మెల్లిగా సందడి మొదలవుతున్న సమయం.. ".. గోవింద ... గోవిందా " అంటూ స్వామి వారిని మనసారా స్మరిస్తూ...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Nine

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part.. Unable to focus on the recitation of the manthra,Subbarao slowly opened...

When A Miraculous Incident Occurred During Abhishekam To Sri Varu In Tirumala Temple

This mind boggling miraculous incident occurred in 1981 during the most auspicious times of the annual Salakatla Tirumala Brahmotsavams and on the most auspicious...

First Historical Evidence To The Existence Of Lord Venkateswara On Tirumala Hills

Although there are many descriptions found in the Rig Veda and the Ashtadasa Puranas (The Eighteen Hindu Legends written by Sage Veda Vyasa) about...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Eight

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story..Now please continue reading this part If not being able to live without a particular habit in...

When Lord Venkateswara Came In The Form Of A Tea Boy To Rescue A...

Sometime during 1781 A D.. When the British army was camping at a station called Thakkolam, a place close to Vellore in Tamilnadu, a British...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Seven

Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Now continue reading this part.. Many times in our life we encounter many distressing situations and during...

A Divine Drama On Tirumala Hills That Rescued Music Queen M.S.Subbulakshmi

“Dear Sri Prasad.. Blessings.. Am really unhappy to inform you about the serious financial crisis the noble couple of Smt.M.S. Subbulakshmi and Sri.Sadasivam are...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri – Part...

Please click here to read the previous parts of this story..Now continue reading this part.. If observed carefully.. Many great events that have occurred,either in the life of...

You Know Your RAASHI But Do You Know The God Whom You Should Offer...

"Agni Roopena Devadermukham Vishnuh Paragatihi.. Agneyasya Puranasya Vakthaa Srothaa Janardanaha" Agni Purana is one of the most popular Puranas among all the eighteen sacred (Ashtadasa)...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri – Part...

 Please Click Here to read the previous parts of this story.. Now please go ahead to read this part The Basara Temple administration follows a set of rules and...

Interesting Story Behind GOVINDA-The Most Popular Name Of Lord Venkateswara

Hey Munindra, “Life on this planet always runs as per the rules framed by the designated yuga purusha.. Throughout Tretha yuga and to a large...

Shocking True story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Four

 “..It doesn’t mean what the human mind cannot comprehend do not exist..”.. Please click here to read the previous parts of this story.. My dear friend.. Before proceeding to...

Shocking True story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part Three

 Please click here to read the second part of this story The temple town of Baasara is although a very famous holy town today,it’s however not a...

Awesome 2015 New Year Calendars And Diaries From Tirumala Temple

                 Sale Currently On Hold Please.. Dear Friends, With the overwhelming response from our beloved readers we are...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri – Part...

Please Click Here to read the prologue and the first part of this shocking true story.. Please go ahead with this part of the story..Now After successfully performing...

Miraculous Pooja Lord Venkateswara Revealed To A Professor For Peace And Prosperity In Your...

Honestly,until a few days ago,I haven't heard anything about this miraculous pooja which in literal terms is called a 'Vratham' which again means a...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Part One

If you haven’t already read,Please Click Here to read the Prologue to this story… Now please go ahead to read the first part.. All through the struggled life,the...

Many Great Singers Became Famous After Singing This Amazing Devotional On Lord Venkateswara

There's a popular belief among many creative people, working in the South Indian film industry today, that almost all the playback singers who are...

13 Important Events That Tell The Complete History Of His Holiness Sri Sai Baba...

His Holiness Sri Sai Baba Of Shirdi is a spiritual phenomenon and is an embodiment of divinity..In the whole of India's glorious spiritual history...

Shocking True Story Of A Mystic Brahmin Who Converses With Goddess Gayathri-Prologue

“..Sir..Namaskaram..My name is Nemani Subbarao..I am a tuition master from Visakhapatnam..She asked me to meet you so I have come to meet you..” “..Who is...